
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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“Dehumanization of man” is a key problem of the modern era


The human problem, which originally belongs to the number of fundamental problems of philosophy and culture, does not lose its significance today, but also acquires a special acuteness and, accordingly, relevance.

The phenomenon of dehumanization, the concept of alienation, globalization and globalization processes are considered from the standpoint of historical determinism, when solving the tasks set, they turned to the ideas of K. Marks, E. Fromm, D. Lukach, T. Adulo, etc.

 When writing the article, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison were used. Globalization processes, which are a distinctive feature of all states and societies, combine an infinite number of aspects of social life that vary in scope – from local to planetary, while having different dynamics and orientation. Globalization and globalization processes are not the end or the stop of social processes. Dehumanization presupposes the degradation of morality. The research is based on conceptual provisions, ideas, results of the problem of dehumanization and the problem of alienation in the context of globalization, the publications of Russian and foreign authors on the stated topic are analyzed. The object of study is the problem of “dehumanization of man” and the topic of alienation in modern globalizing conditions.

As a result of the analysis, certain vectors of the spiritual development of modern society are outlined in the conditions of a systemic crisis of value orientations and lack of spirituality, inhumanity. The article presents the outlines of new ethical programs that are designed to counteract the process of modern man’s loss of a genuine humane essence and his purpose in society.

About the Author

A. A. Golovach
Belarusian State Economic University

Alla A. Golovach – Ph. D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy

22a Partizanskii Ave., Bldg 4, Minsk 220070


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