
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Connection of the Chinese Green Belt and Road Initiative and the EAEU environmental agenda with the participation of the Republic of Belarus


The article is devoted to the problem of pairing the Chinese Green Belt and Road Initiative with the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union with the participation of Belarus as a member country of the regional association. In theoretical terms, the expediency of studying this problem within the framework of a new scientific direction – the greening of international economic relations (IER), which is formed on an interdisciplinary basis at the intersection of theories of international economic relations, environmental concepts and international environmental law, is shown.

The author’s approach to the development of this scientific direction is substantiated, according to which the need to give ecological content to all structural elements of international economic relations (subject, object, interests, management tools) is determined, which should receive appropriate economic forms of expression.

In practical terms, the main directions of the Chinese Green Belt and Road Initiative were considered, including the promotion of the construction of green and low-carbon infrastructure; building green supply chain management systems; participation of environmental public organizations; ensuring sustainable production and consumption, including the development of “green” trade, etc. The key positions for the implementation of the environmental agenda in the EAEU are identified as a condition for the implementation of the green belt and the way in the format of a regional association.

The priority measures of the interface mechanism are proposed, which include: development of a joint action plan; creation of an environmental group of representatives of interested countries; organization of a network of contact points for the provision of environmental services; formation on a digital basis of an environmental monitoring system along the Belt and Road route, etc.

The conclusion about the formation of an eco-industrial park on the basis of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park “Great Stone” as the main Belarusian link in the mechanism of conjugation of the EAEU and the PRC in the field of landscaping the Belt and Road is substantiated. The necessary completed components of the eco-industrial park model recommended for implementation are determined. 

About the Author

A. A. Avsyuk
Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Andrey A. Avsyuk – Postgraduate Student

1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072


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