Мedia preferences of the population of the Republic of Belarus in the sociological dimension (based on sociological research materials)
The article substantiates the relevance of a monitoring study of the national information space in view of the constant improvement of technical and technological solutions for the production and distribution of content, as well as the expansion of coverage and access to the Internet, accompanied by media convergence of its structural segments and the transformation of forms of media consumption and media practices of the population. An overview of current scientific research on the identified issues is presented, both in the direction of studying aspects of satisfying the need for information in the structure of everyday practices of social subjects, and in the direction of changing the landscape of the information space, the variability of the selection of information content. Based on the results of a republican representative monitoring sociological study of the transformation of the national information space, implemented by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, its state for 2022–2023 is characterized. in the context of traditional media and new media, taking into account their structural components. The sources of information that are in demand and the main ones for citizens of the country, the practices of their use, the level of trust and the most important characteristics of the content are reflected. The need to continue research into the processes occurring within the national information space is noted in order to use the most effective strategies for building information policy.
About the Author
A. M. BelskiBelarus
Alexander M. Belski – Ph. D. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Center of Operative Research.
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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