
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Property status of the Orthodox Church on the territory of the BSSR (1917–1939)


This article examines Soviet legislation regarding church property and its implementation during Soviet history. The author analyses in detail the various bills passed by the Soviet government that had to do with the nationalisation of church property. The article begins by examining the first legislative acts passed in relation to church property. These laws were aimed at nationalising church buildings, land and other valuables in order to use them in socialist construction. The author then analyses the subsequent changes in legislation that concerned church property. He examines such aspects as the abolition of religious inheritance, the liquidation of church funds, the confiscation of monastery and parish property, and the realisation of this property through sale, lease or transfer to the state. In conclusion, the author draws conclusions about the impact of Soviet legislation on church property and offers a number of recommendations for further research on this topic. He emphasises the complexity and contradictory nature of the topic, noting that the assessment of the actions of the Soviet authorities with regard to church property depends on the author’s point of view and ideological position.

About the Author

V. V. Kulichenko
Minsk Theological Academy

Viktor V. Kulichenko – Postgraduate Student

27 Zybitskaya Str., Minsk 220030, Belarus


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