
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Transformation of the institution of local self­government in the conditions of digitization: experience of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation


The article discusses the features and principles of local government in the digital era. The organizational and legal forms of activity of local self-government in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the constitutional reform of local self-government in the Russian Federation in 2020. The content of the principles of digitalization, transparency, publicity, information openness in the activities of local government bodies is considered, and the main tasks of digitalization of local government are determined. The author pays attention to the negative aspects of digitalization of local self-government, in particular, he substantiates the position on the trend of convergence between local self-government and state authorities, and focuses on the lack of a criterion for the involvement of the population in the management of local affairs when assessing the digital development of regions. The standard Concept for the development of smart cities in the Republic of Belarus is analyzed, and the content of the “My City” mobile application is positively assessed. The article examines promising directions for the development of local self-government in the context of digitalization, and substantiates proposals for improving legislation. Ideas are expressed regarding the development of the institution of local electronic meetings, assessing the activities of local governments using digital technologies, broadcasting meetings of local Сouncils, etc.

About the Author

I. V. Shakhnovskaya
Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

Irina V. Shakhnovskaya – Ph. D. (Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Criminal Law

29 Blokhina Str., Novopolotsk 211440, Belarus



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ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)