Knowledge orders problem in epistemology
This article examines how the debate over KK principle (Knowing that One Knows) introduces the notion of knowledge orders into epistemology, which standardly involves a division into first and secondorder knowledge. The uncritical understanding of knowledge orders leads to their naive ontologization, which has negative theoretical and practical consequences. One such consequence is the problem of proliferating orders of knowledge, which consists in the fact that if knowledge of a lower order always corresponds to knowledge of a higher order, it is not clear what order is needed to possess firstorder knowledge. As a solution, it is proposed to understand knowledge orders as a nominal designation related to the evaluation of the position of knowledge in epistemic history (as this concept is understood by Alvin Goldman).
About the Author
A. M. KardashBelarus
Aleksey M. Kardash – Postgraduate student
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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