
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Passport book of the Russian Empire as a document for right to cross state border


The term – passport book of the Russian Empire, issued in 1913 for identity verification and movement within the country, is introduced into the scientific turnover. The peculiarity of the document is the presence of stamp impressions on the crossing of the state borders, as well as stamps confirming the fact of recognition of the examined specimen on a par with the state specimens of the country that confirmed its validity.

Examination of the document and the holder’s data, as well as stamp impressions proving the crossing of state borders at certain areas, was carried out. During the examination Regula document verification devices of the training and material base of the Institute of Border Guard Service of the Republic of Belarus were used. On the basis of the obtained data, the most probable travelling routes of a person with a document of a state considered non­existent at the moment of crossing the state borders were constructed.

The examination of the specimen of the internal document of the Russian Empire provided in the article, made it possible to study the peculiarities of the organization of border control at certain areas of the state borders of Great Britain, Germany and Poland in the 20s of the 20th century.

About the Authors

M. N. Sorokin
State Educational Institution “Institute of Border Service of the Republic of Belarus”

Maxim N. Sorokin – Senior lecturer of the cycle (Border Control service) of the Department (Border Control)

4 Slavinskogo Str., Minsk 220103

A. V. Dumsky
Regula LLC

Andrey V. Dumsky – Head of the International Marke­ ting and Business Development Department

29 Kozlova Ave, Minsk 220037

A. I. Korzun
State Educational Institution “Institute of Border Service of the Republic of Belarus”

Alexey I. Korzun – Ph. D. (Military Sciences), Head of the Cycle (Border Control Service) of the Department (Border Control)

4 Slavinskogo Str., Minsk 220103


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
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