
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Model of the new economic mode development is an innovative creative strategy for the sustainable vital functions of Belarus in conditions of globalization


A model for noosphere-based economy has been built with consideration for scientific gains presented by outstanding scientists in natural and humanitarian fields. Noosphere-based economy has been conceptualized as intelligent and highly moral mode of the social reproduction of humans, commodities, works and services on the basis of improvements in the system based on corporative economic values of the planetary production relations and predominantly postindustrial productive capacities with relevant parameters of efficiency such as constructive development of human personality, maximal employment of the country's population, preservation of nature for future generations, high quality structure of GDP (income) and its reasonable distribution between the society members depending on the efficiency of their work. A distinctive feature of the noosphere-based economy is the increasing R&D capacity of GDP and implementation of continual education regarded as the priority need of a human on the basis of its increasing R&D component (capacity). The continuity of education on the basis of its increasing R&D component enhances professional competencies and quality of human resources, and allows for future restructuring of the productive sector. Reproduction based on the relationship between scientific knowledge and scientific education is the priority process of civilization's development. The key productive activity in the noosphere-based economy is tertiary sector building the knowledge base for the sustainable development of itself and the two other sectors, for nature preservation, reproduction and education of a human per se, his (her) intellect and health.
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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)