
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Cotton Mather literary heritage


Author shows the most essential characteristics of the Early American literature in the article. Poetics special features of a prominent representative of New England literature XVII-XVIII Cotton Mather (I663-1728), his art style and problems of his literary creation have been described in the article. Author of the article concludes that C. Mather formed «massive» writing style in the synthesis of various genre trends included epics, documentaries, memoirs, etc. Author argues that Puritan artistic world subordinated to strict moral principles. It exists in parallel «unreliable» and «foggy» history of humanity. Besides, author concludes that in the core of such a system of values is not only the Bible but also multiple myths created in context of the Puritan vision of the world, describing the options for the possible development of human history. Such «creation of human history» is probably the cornerstone of a Puritan paradigm of social knowledge.

About the Author

A. L. Tserkovski
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank


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