1. Batalov, E. Ya. Russkaya ideya i amerikanskaya mechta / E.Ya. Batalov. - M.: Progress-Traditsiya, 2009. - 384 s.
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3. Mather, C. Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Ecclesiastical History of New New-England / S. Mather. - Vol. 1. New England, 1855. - 680 p.
4. Mishina, L. A. Amerikanskaya literatura XVII veka. Problema stilya / L. A. Mishina // Vestn. Chuvash. un-ta. -2014. - № 1. - S. 184-188.
5. Lovelace, R. F. The American Pietism of Cotton Mather: Origins of American Evangelicalism / R. F. Lovelace. -Grand Rapids, Mich.: American Univ. Press, 1979. - 350 p.
6. Miller, P. The New England Mind: the Seventeenth Century / P. Miller. -New York, - 1954. - P. 471/
7. The Cambridge history of American literature. Vol. I. 1590-1820. General Editor: Sacvan Bercovitch, Harvard University. - Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. - 780 p.
8. Pokrovskii, N. E. Rannyaya amerikanskaya filosofiya. Puritanizm: ucheb. posobie dlya gumanit. fak. un-tov / N. E. Pokrovskii - M.: Vyssh. shk., 1989. - 246 s.
9. Khomyakova, O. R. Teoriya literatury : soderzhanie i forma kak kategorii ponimaniya : posobie / O. R. Khomyakova. -Minsk: BGPU, 2006. - 72 s.
10. Parrington, V. L. Osnovnye techeniya amerikanskoi mysli / V. L. Parrington. - M., 1962. - T. 1-3.
11. Mishina, L. A. Amerikanskaya literatura XVII-XVIII vv. Zhanry. Vzaimosvyazi. Perevody / L. A. Mishina. -Cheboksary: Izd-vo Chuvash. un-ta, 2003. - 300 s.
12. Mather, C. «Of Poetry and Style», from Manuductio ad Ministerium in The Puritans, ed. Perry Miller and Thomas H. Johnson / C. Mather. - New York: Harper and Row, 1963. - P. 686.
13. American Literature, 1607-1885 Text. - Vol. I. - New York: Univ. Press of the Pacific, 1970. - 462 p.
14. Sources of the American Mind. A collection of documents and texts in American intellectual history. - Vol. 1. / Ed. by L. Buritz. - New York, 1966.
15. Images for myself: Cotton Mather in his diaries (1724) [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.people.fas. harvard.edu/~bercovit/articles/Cotton_MWoEAL.pdf. - Date of access: 24.11.2013.