Actual problems of the economical theory and practice
Most important fundamental problems of the economy functioning on the contemporary stage have been exposed and ways to their decision have been proposed in the article. Necessary structure transformations in the economy of the Republic of Belarus have been considered, too. The clear definition of main priorities in the national economical transformation and its integration into the world economical system as well as implementation of the step-by-step innovation development of commodities and services production in aims to provide long-term high-level competitiveness of the country are the most important tasks now. Significance of the Belarusian science role in the innovative economy creation and system measures on the economical politics correction have been emphasized in the article along with their role in improvements of the Union State and Eurasian Economicl Union legislation.
About the Author
M. V. Myasnikovich
Совет Республики Национального собрания Республики Беларусь
1. Медведев, Д. А. В точке кризисов, но без страха / Д. А. Медведев // Российская газета. - 2015. - 15 янв. - № 6575.
2. Внешняя торговля Республики Беларусь, 2014 // Нац. стат. комитет Респ. Беларусь. - 2015. - янв.
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