Theoretical foundations for intellectual property market establishing and functioning
Intellectual property management in industrialized countries is considered to be the most important component of successful business development, since both the patent monopoly and monopoly on know-how secrets are the basis of the creation and development of the modern market of intellectual property, which specified by niche specialization, segmentation, non-elasticity. The state creates motivational environment for the production and commercialization of intellectual property. Its owners via the network of patent license agreements form joint corporate structures that allow them to form patent and legal characteristics of the individual market segments and thus control the development of a number of industries by strengthening the protection of intellectual property. Moreover the technology gap that exists between countries allows licensors to implement their strategy via implementation steps, depending on the level of development, scientific and technical potential of licensees.
интеллектуальная собственность,
изобретательская деятельность,
intellectual property,
inventive activities,
About the Authors
P. G. Nikitenko
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, state scientific institution "The Institute of Economics"
V. A. Kolotukhin
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, state scientific institution "The Institute of Economics"
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