
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Origination and evolution of the human genome


Human genome evolution has been managed by converting the genomic DNA coding sequences, appearance of new genes from pseudo-genes and duplications, by the gene function loss and changes in the regulatory transcription and translation mechanisms. The human genome contains conserved and variable DNA sequences, as well as monomorphic and polymorphic genes. Mutational process continuously generates genetic variation for evolution but many mutations associated with diversity of inherited diseases. In addition to genetic information each new human generation receives all previously accumulated knowledge and developes an achievements of culture and civilization. Biological inheritance of evolutionary innovation is supplemented by inheritance of innovation in social, cultural, technological, and information fields. A new stage in the evolution of human civilization is beginning now on base of processes of globalization and exploration of outer space.

About the Author

U. K. Sauchanka
Институт философии НАН Беларуси


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