Special features of Belarusians mentality in the Belarusian province
Peculiarities of the provincial population mentality in localities, particularly in small towns and villages (agricultural settlements) on the material of special sociological studies have been revealed in the article. Basic characteristics of the provincial mentality and their specific manifestation in different communities have been shown, too. Such communities are rural and urban ones. It is shown that the provincial mentality has a complex and contradictory structure. However, it is a carrier of the common trends for the country in the sphere of value orientations for Belarusians.
1. Инюшкин, Н. М. Провинциальная культура: взгляд изнутри / Н. М. Инюшкин. - Пенза, 2004. - С. 45.
2. Коган, Л. Б. Социально-градостроительные основы разработки политики пространственного развития общества / Л. Б. Коган / Городское управление. - 2012. - № 12. - С. 33-36.
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