Author of the article outlines the most general trends for Belarusian comic poetry of the nineteenth century. They include such forms as: monologue or dialogic narrative form with a tendency towards a prosaic narration; appealing to the image of the peasant-narrator; using of literary works as means of understanding the existing events and phenomena through the prism of a peasant worldview; a close interconnection of the literary works with the public comic culture, folklore, which manifests itself at all levels of the text; frequent use of external comic devices; use of the travesty plot arrangement; appeal to the literary tradition of buffoonery; attention to the artistic images of the Belarusian national mentality and humor. In addition, the article reveals the frequency of use of certain comic techniques in the selected comic works and provides conclusions on mechanisms of these techniques functioning in the text.
About the Author
E. V. NanosBelarus
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