
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Theoretical and methodological aspects of studying social well-being of individual are represented in the paper. Psychological, sociological, and based on their combination, social-psychological approaches to research of social well-being are determined. Structure, empirical indexes and indicators of social well-being are defined. Main factors of forming social well-being of individual and structural components of social well-being are analyzed. Structure of social well-being includes cognitive, emotive, conative and evaluative components. Main indicators of social well-being are ‘social attitude and value orientations’, ‘internal emotional perception of life on the generally’, ‘social-demographic characteristics’.
At the basis of forming and functioning of social well-being are social, social-psychological, subject-individual, individual-demographic groups of factors. Core characteristics reflecting social well-being are social expectations and social claims of individual, individual’s assessment and self-assessment of his social status and social position, social feelings and moods.

About the Author

A. P. Solovey
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Sociology
junior research fellow


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