
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The degree of research of ethnic communities (the Belarusians, the Jews, the Russians, the Poles, the Ukrainians the Lithuanians, the Latvians, the Germans, the Tatars) on the territory of Belarus during the World War I in Russian, Polish, German, English-speaking historiography is analyzed. Quantity and national structure of population, their political, social and economic, national and cultural development are depicted. The author has analyzed a lot of works that were issued with the beginning of the World War I and up to these days. A diverse quantity of topical works in foreign historiography is stated. The author’s position concerning some judgments presented in foreign research works is given. These works often include archival material that is not presented in Belarusian archives, using critical thinking, it lets and Belarusian historians investigate the state of ethnic communities on Belarusian territory in 1914–1918 more comprehensively.

About the Author

O. P. Dmitrieva
Belarusian State Economic Union
Ph. D. (Hist.), Senior lecturer of Business English Department


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