
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Need and possibility of orientation to the principle of a sustainable development of integration policy of the Euroasian economic union (EEU) is proved in article. It answers on new tendencies of a world order and can strengthen the international positions of the Euroasian integration in the long term.
It is shown that in the mechanism of economic integration the region can become the key subject of foreign economic relations. Region is most of all interested to advance ideas of a sustainable development base on the position on the system of national and regional economy.
Starting conceptual positions of providing the sustainable development of regions on the mechanism of economic integration in EEU are formulated. It is adaptation of policy of a sustainable development to local features and expansion of the international cooperation of regions: inclusion not only economic, but ecological and social spheres; interface of integration 111and regional policy of member countries of EEU. In addition, the sustainable development of economic integration is connected with the growth of variety of subjects of these relations and strengthening of it public component.
The general scheme of the mechanism of management of integration communications of regions-countries-member of EEU is suggested, taking into account an imperative of a sustainable development which includes three vectors, among which rather new direction interconnected policy in the field of placement of productive forces of member countries of the Euroasian integration.
In particular, the directions of modernization of factors of placement which occur under the influence of market forces, new technological ways, active entry into the world market of the countries and regions now are shown. The most significant placement factors in relation to the economic and social objects realizing integration communications at the regional level are defined. The conclusion is drawn on two leading forms of placement of the productive forces based on an innovative paradigm and the principle of a sustainable development which are most adequate to development of integration communications of regions. These are territories (zone) with the high level of concentration of innovative activity and the international cluster structures.

About the Author

T. S. Viartsinskaya
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Econ.), Chief of Department of World Economy and Foreign Economic Trade


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