
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Philosophy, the author suggests, cannot be limited to mere science either by its origin or essence. The starting point of philosophical cognition is self-awareness – the inner world of the cognizing person – and its connections with signs and symbols of the supernatural ideal world and the processes of idealization and identification. It originally appears as an “ancient art of rhetorical competition” or an ancient mind game, as a way of social healing in the form of parodies of the reality, gradually acquiring the form of reflective thinking which for centuries was viewed as the expression of the very essence of philosophical cognition. In the conditions of post-nonclassical rationality of the 21st century, it regains the shape of a sociocultural phenomenon that is inextricably linked to cultural symbols and senses, values and norms that both express the essence of global processes and phenomena and determine the very conditions of human existence. The outset for the formation and development of European philosophy is the act of internal self-observation initially derived from mythological views of the world manifested as a national cultural code through a man’s thinking, his religious beliefs and competitive game forms of conduct and activity in society. Viewing itself as an integral part of national, ethnic and universal culture, philosophy becomes the key factor of civilizational development. Intellectual traditions and their change in philosophy are per se an expression of how it interacts, in terms of values, norms, logic and sense, with all types of social consciousness, shaping them into religious, scientific and other knowledge.

About the Author

A. I. Levko
Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
D. Sc. (Sociol.), Professor, Chief Scientific Researcher


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)