
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Considering the problem in the context of global processes, it is noted that a clear assessment of their impact on the development of the Republic of Belarus is almost impossible. There are both positive and negative trends. Some of these trends are connected with risks and challenges to national security in the military sphere, causing the need to make the Armed Forces function more effectively. Certain measures are identified among other activities to improve the functioning of the Armed Forces. These measures aim to strengthen the human resource capacity of the officer corps, develop certain personal qualities in officers, update the values of military service and philosophical concepts of the state ideology etc. These constituent parts are considered as the moral and spiritual component of the human resource capacity of the officer corps. The analysis upholds the practice of the work aimed to develop officers’ spiritual and moral component, taking into account the specifics of different levels of personnel capacity and specific features of social groups. The need to consider military school students as one of these groups is noted. The concept of a basic level of human resource capacity of the Armed Forces is introduced. The conclusion identifies main tasks to be fulfilled to improve the effectiveness of the activities to develop professionally relevant moral and spiritual components in military school students.

About the Author

A. A. Kliar
Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Deputy Head of the Central Officers’ House of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)