
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The problem of the terminological definition of “philosophical lyrics” is studied in the context of such categories of the literature poetics as genre, style and artistic technique. In modern literary studies which consider the philosophical aspects of Belarusian literature, there is no unequivocal definition for the concept of “philosophical lyrics;” it is often replaced by other concepts: intelligent lyrics, poetry of thoughts, meditative lyricism, philosophical and meditative lyro-epos, scientific poetry, metaphysical poetry, spiritual and irrational poetry, poetry of comprehension, and contemplating lyrics. There are three main approaches to the study of philosophical lyrics: receptive, typological, and historical. The analytical review of the main approaches to the consideration of the artistic structure of philosophical lyrics makes it possible to speak about its universal and syncretic character. Based on the analysis of research strategies used by Belarusian and Russian literary scientists, distinct characteristics of philosophical lyrics have been identified.

About the Author

A. S. Panfilova
Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Postgraduate Student


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