
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The article investigates the factor of political will through the prism of criminological concepts of corruption. The article discusses in general terms the obstacles to the formation and implementation of such political will in Ukraine. The author argues in favour of the statement that the ineffectiveness of the existing formation of the mechanism of penal counteraction against corruption in Ukraine is due to the fact that bringing it into effect for every single corruption crime depends on the presence, absence or neutrality of the factor of the country leadership’s political will, with the properties of institutionalized corruption in Ukraine being the obstacles to the development and implementation of such a will. The increased danger of corruption crimes in Ukraine is explained on the basis of generalization of their properties. The ways of improving the mechanism of penal counteraction against corruption in Ukraine are suggested.

About the Author

D. G. Mykhailenko
Odessa Academy of Law
Ph. D. (Law), Associate Professor


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