
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The biography of Francisk Skorina, the first Belarusian and East Slavic book printer, is addressed on the basis of documentary sources of the 15th and 16th centuries. The author also explores both blank spots and major periods in the life of the first book printer and enlightener. Hypotheses are considered regarding the dates of his birth and death and the place of his primary education. Documentary information is presented about his family and relatives, his wife and sons. The scientific community is supplied with new information obtained from documentary and archive materials. On their basis, new arguments are presented in favour of Skorina’s obtaining his degree of Doctor of Liberal Arts and solid medical education at Copenhagen University. It is also suggested that he participated in the Danish delegation to the Fifth Council of the Lateran in Rome in the summer of 1512 three months before his doctoral examinations in medicine in Prague. The author also deems it possible to identify Skorina as the one who wrote the anonymous medical essay on how to cure the sweating sickness that was sent by Albert, Duke of Prussia, to the Great Chancellor of the Crown Krzysztof Szydłowiecki. Besides, two new documents in the archives of the Czech Republic are reported as related to the first printer’s son, Simeon.

About the Author

A. A. Zhlutka
Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Ph. D. (Philol.), Senior Scientific Researcher


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