
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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This paper studies the evolution of the EU’s political conditionality instruments applied to the Eastern Partnership. Thе study of this issue is of scientific interest, related to investigating the EU foreign-policy strategies, as well as of practical interest arising out of the need to take into consideration political transformations on the continent to ensure regional security. It is shown that, apart from such conventional instruments as trade preferences, budget support, financial and investment donorship, political and/or economic sanctions, new instruments have been developed within the Eastern Partnership, including programs of multilateral cooperation (regional, inter-regional, cross-border), the Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation Program, and the so-called Umbrella Program. The article analyzes an essentially new instrument of positive political conditionality – the Association Agreement, which seeks to foster the implementation of democratic regulations and standards in partner states in exchange for providing access to the European commodity, financial, energy, and labor markets. The Association Agreement rests on common values: democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, rule of law, good governance, respect for the rights of national minorities, prevention of discrimination of minorities, respect for human dignity, and commitment to the principles of the free market. The presence of trade, environmental, social, and energy issues in the Association Agreement indicates their concordance and political conditionality. This research also analyzes the evolution of the EU’s political conditionality instruments. It is shown that the expansion of the range of instruments is due to the change in the meaning of human rights (social and environmental rights have been added to this term to complement fundamental civil and political rights) as well as to the political and economic transformations in the region. The results of the research may be used to analyze regional development issues and develop specific areas of Belarus’ foreign policy.

About the Author

P. A. Barakhvostov
Belarusian State University, Minsk

Postgraduate Student, Department of Diplomatic and Consular Service, Faculty of International Relations

20 Leningradskaya Str., 220030


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