
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The article aims to give coverage to the contents of the public policy in the sphere of historical and cultural heritage of Belarus, as it was amended following the adoption of the Cultural Code which came into force on 3 February 2017. The focus is made on the powers of all public bodies involved in the cultural policy. Based on the analysis of culture-related normative legal acts and practices of their application, the powers of the state to manage, protect, use and promote historical and cultural heritage have been determined. The article identifies instruments to implement the public policy to preserve historically and culturally valuable objects, defines factors that determine the choice of particular instruments, and proposes priorities for their use at the current stage of social development. Specific statistical data are given to prove that government programs for the protection and restoration of monuments of history and culture in Belarus are supported by respective resources. The article is addressed to historical and cultural heritage protection specialists. The conclusions and recommendations can be used to implement public policies and government programs aimed to preserve our cultural and historical heritage. 

About the Author

I. E. Martynenko
Grodno State Yanka Kupala University, Grodno

D. Sc. (Law), Professor, Head of the Civil Law and Process Chair

22 Ozheshko Str., 230023


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)