About the Author
E. G. NaumovaBelarus
Head of the Training and Methodology Division
1. Uledov A. K. Spiritual life of society. Moscow, Mysl’ Publ., 1980. 271 p. (in Russian)
2. Naletova I. V. Sociocultural foundations of spirituality: tradition and innovation, Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life, Institute for Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1998. 17 p. (in Russian)
3. Chekalina N. E. Sociocultural bases of spirituality, Ph. D. Thesis, Social Philosophy, Volgograd State University. Volgograd, 2007. 154 p. (in Russian)
4. Lygina M. A. Sociocultural determination of education: tradition and innovation, Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Moscow, 1998. 12 p. (in Russian)
5. Eryshov D. V. Socio-cultural determinants of normative consciousness and activity of the social subject, Ph. D. Thesis, Social Philosophy,Armavir State Pedagogical Academy. Armavir, 2015. 167 p. (in Russian)
6. Uzgorok M. Y. The extension of the sphere of manifestation of patriotism as a cultural value (in the contemporary Belarusian culture), Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, Theory and History of Culture, Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala. Grodno, 2013. 23 p. (in Russian)
7. Klintukh I. I. Delinquent behavior: sociocultural causality, Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life, South Federal University. Rostov-na-Donu, 2009. 31 p. (in Russian)
8. Grzhebina L. M. The conflict potential of education as a sociocultural factor of transformation of modern Russian society, Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life,Institute for Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 2006. 26 p. (in Russian)
9. Guliaev S. B. The influence of media on socio-cultural dynamics in modern Russian society, Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life, Institute for Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 2009. 26 p. (in Russian)
10. Fursa I. A. Socio-cultural determinants of formation of professional culture of personality in the conditions of information society, Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Social Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, 2014. 26 p. (in Russian).
11. Zamorskii V. V. Philosophical analysis of the system of values of Russian youth, Ph. D. Thesis, Social Philosophy, Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman. Moscow, 2014. 206 p. (in Russian)
12. Zakharova O. A. Information-communicative competence of civil servants in the conditions of modern sociocultural changes, Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Theory and History of Culture, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007. 24 p. (in Russian)
13. Lokova M. Iu. Structural transformation of value orientations of young people in modernizing Russian society (sociophilosophical aspect), Abstract of Ph. D. dissertation, Social Philosophy, Moscow University for the Humanities. Moscow, 2007. 24 p. (in Russian)
14. Teslenko A. N. Cultural socialization of youth in the conditions of transitive society (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Abstract of D. Sc. Dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life,Saratov State Technical University. Saratov, 2009. 35 p. (in Russian)
15. Iakovuk T. I. Uncertainties in the sociocultural regulation of the spiritual life of youth, Abstract of D. Sc. Dissertation, Sociology of culture, spiritual life,Institute for Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 2006. 47 p. (in Russian)
16. Akhiezer A. S. Methodology of socio-cultural studies of transition processes (on the material of Russia), Abstract of D. Sc. Dissertation, Theory and History of Culture. Moscow, 1997. 37 p. (in Russian)
17. Kupriianov V. A. Modeling of processes of socio-cultural transformations, Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, Theory and History of Culture, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies. Moscow, 1998. 24 p. (in Russian)