About the Author
E. V. AlimpiyevaBelarus
Postgraduate Student, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of World Languages
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7. Rakhmankulova I. E. S. Some thoughts on the theory of aspectuality. Voprosy iazykoznaniia [Topics in the study of language], 2004, no. 1, pp. 3–28. (in Russian)
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10. Iakobson G. From the review of book by Ya. Vakernagel “Lectures on a syntax”. Voprosy glagol'nogo vida : sbornik [Questions of the verb form: a collection], Moscow, Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury Publ., 1962, pp. 39–41. (in Russian)
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16. Schmidt W. Grundfragen der deutschen Grammatik. Berlin, Volk und Wissen, 1973. 332 p.
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