The article deals with the problem of the development of the Belarusian prose of the 20th century in the genre of the story through the prism of the concept of “human idea”. This aspect is confirmed that according to the advanced theory of V. M Golovko, we also consider that the development of the of “human idea” in a work of art is clearly refracted, both through the embodiment of “concept of man”, which is characteristic for the discovery of the novel’s type of works, and in “concept of a person”, which most closely corresponds to the artistic and aesthetic principle of the embodiment of the “archaic” genre of the story. It is proved that the “pathos of subjectivity”, which is typical for the Belarusian story of the twentieth century, has a pronounced and concentrated moral and ethical potential that can allow this genre to have a wide range of issues of social, philosophical and historical questions of life and being. “Archaic” of the story, its conceptual and artistic “core” allows us to reveal the vital tone of being and the manifestation of the human character in its full self-expression and tension with the most optimal means of expression and disclosure of the social “environment”. The point of view that the hero of the story most often remains as “equal to himself”, having fulfilled his artistic and ethical task of incarnation, in contrast to the hero of the novel, who is forever in a position of openness to the present, in the position of “incompleteness”, and therefore as “not equal to himself”. It gets an idea that the Belarusian story of the 20th century has become an active and the most demanded genre of national literature, which is found its embodiment in the works of such bright representatives as Y. Kolas, M. Goretsky, Z. Bedulya, K. Chorny, M. Zaretsky, I. Shamyakin, V. Bykov, I. Naumenko, J. Bril, I. Chigrinov, A. Kaz’ko, I. Ptashnikov, A. Kudravets, A. Fedorenko, A. Kozlov, and etc.
About the Author
I. M. ShaladonauBelarus
Ph. D. (Philol.), Senior Scientific Researcher
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