
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The purpose of the article is to substantiate and formulate proposals for improving the organizational and functional structure of the national innovation system (NIS). Their implementation will strengthen the focus in the strategic management of innovative development and coordination in the interaction of participants in innovation. The author determines the most essential elements in the innovation sphere, the nature of whose participation in the innovation processes determines the cause-effect relations in the national innovation system. It is their improvement that directly affects the overall effectiveness of innovative transformations. The functions of the NIS, the areas of activity, the specific features of the interaction of its subjects are described in the article. The article is intended for specialists in the field of innovation and strategic management. Resolution and proposals can be used in the implementation of public policy in order to enhance and improve the efficiency of the innovative development of the economy.


About the Author

L. G. Trigubovich
Institute of Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Head of the Section for Innovative Economic Development


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