National-language policy in the 1920s and early 1930s had a major impact on the ratio of the socio-communicative system components of the BSSR in the period under review. The article reveals the functional distribution of idioms, determines the legal status and public functions of the Polish language as one of the components of the social and communicative system. The use of the method of sociolinguistic interpretation of written sources made it possible to define that the functional distribution of the official languages of the BSSR (Belarusian, Jewish, Russian and Polish) mainly reflects the numerical proportions of the population of the BSSR by nationality. The actual status of the languages corresponded to their legal status which allowed the languages of the main nationalities, including the Polish language, to function in the most important spheres of communication.
About the Author
M. A. RatkevichBelarus
Ph.D. (Philol.), Associate Professor Foreign Languages Department. Border Guard Service Institute of the Republic of Belarus
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