Taking into consideration modern conditions of world economic development the evaluation of effectiveness of clusters, including the services sector, becomes very important. In this paper the technique of full assessment of the medical cluster can be found, including the rationale underlying the seven indicators that characterize economic processes in the cluster. All indicators are combined into blocks: the block assessments of the scale of the cluster, allowing to evaluate the performance of the cluster, is not in isolation but in conjunction with those processes that occur in the health system of the country; unit innovative activities of the cluster; the evaluation unit export capacity. The proposed integrated assessment of indicators gives the opportunity to bring all indicators to a common complex, calculated as the sum of the weighted coefficients of different directions of activity of the medical cluster; indicators of methodology are useful for assessing the effects of cluster activities for the state, businesses and consumers. The application of such methods in practice will allow to monitor the cluster operation, to review economic processes in dynamics and interrelation; to prevent negative trends that may occur in exports of services in the cluster and to take in due time meaningful steps to eliminate it; take into account the forecasts of development of medical clusters in medium and long term; the technique can be the basis for calculating the economic efficiency of the clusters created in the services sector in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.
Аб аўтары
E. A. Milashevich
Institute of Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Senior Scientific Researcher
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