Small and medium business: sociological trends
The article justifies the conclusion that small and medium business is the most important component of the development of a modern state, a mean for achieving its social and economic goals. The overall objectives of the country’s development are simultaneously the goals of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. Thus, in recent years, attempts have been made to move the national economy and Belarusian society to a new model of economic development, to increase economic activity of small and medium-sized businesses as the most important catalysts for the state’s advancement. The phenomenon of a modern representative of the Belarusian small and medium business is studied in the work. His essence, development tendencies and their refraction in the Belarusian social and economic reality are determined, a sociological model of motivation and characteristic personal traits, qualities and characteristics is proposed.
About the Author
I. V. KotlyarovBelarus
Igor V. Kotlyarov – D. Sc. (Sociol.), Professor, Chairman of the Public Opinion Commission.
66 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220072
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