History of the flint inventory studies of the Neolithic and Bronze Age from the sites of Belarusian Neman region
The main directions and results of the 150-year study of flint artifacts from Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements of Belarusian Neman region are presented in this article. The study of flint industry has passed a long way from a simple description to a detailed analysis and systematization, the development of a typology and the creation of classification schemes. Since the second half of the 20th century the methods of natural sciences were begun to be employed in the analysis of flint assemblages. But despite the previous active work of researchers there are still a number of unsolved issues and tasks that require further study.
About the Author
S. S. Velent-ShcherbachBelarus
Swiatlana S. Velent-Shcherbach - Junior Scientific Researcher at the Department of archaeology of prehistoric society.
1 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072
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