Scientific activity of the Belarusian scientist J. Narkiewicz-Jodko (second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries)
The study is devoted to the scientific activity of the outstanding Belarusian scientist J. Narkiewicz-Jodko. Based on the study of a wide range of sources revealed as a search result in the archives and libraries of Belarus and foreign countries, many little-known facts from the life of the researcher have been refined. The historical and bibliographic analysis of the publications of the late XIX – early XX centuries allowed to consider various directions of the scientist’s activity, his active creative connections that make a considerable interest for studying the history of cooperation between representatives of Belarusian and Western European scientific thought.
About the Authors
N. Yu. BeryozkinaBelarus
Natalia Yu. Beryozkina – Ph. D. (Hist.).
17 Rabkorovskaja Str., Minsk 220007O. A. Gaponenko
Olga A. Gaponenko – Ph. D. (Phis. and Math.).
66 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220072
1. Decrespe M. La vie et les œuvres de M. de Narkiewicz-Iodko, membre et collaborateur de l’Institut impérial de médecine expérimentale de Saint-Pétersbourg, membre of correspondant de la Société de médecine de Paris, ets, ets. Paris, Chamuel, 1896. 51 p. (in French).
2. Journal of the meeting of the Meteorological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society – the 10th of February 1889. Izvestiya Imperatorskogo russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva [News of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society], 1889, vol. 25, pp. 29–30 (in Russian).
3. Lachinov D. A. The Course of Meteorology and Climatology. St. Petersburg, 1889. 332 p. (in Russian).
4. Narkiewicz-Jodko J. O. Thunderstorm with a hail of the 17th (29) June 1890 and the action of hail protection devices. Meteorologicheskiy vestnik [Meteorological Herald], 1891, no. 4, p. 184 (in Russian).
5. Protocol of the 115 (165) meeting of the Physical Department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society on February 12, 1891. Zhurnal Russkogo fiziko-khimicheskogo obshchestva pri Imperatorskom S.-Peterburgskom universitete [Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University], 1891, vol. 23, no. 2: Physical Part. Division 1, pp. 125–126 (in Russian).
6. Minskiy listok [The Minsk sheet], 1892, June 23 (no. 50), p. 1 (in Russian).
7. Societe francaise de physiqueю Seances de la societe francaise de physique. Paris, 1898, pp. 77–79 (in French).
8. Meeting of the St. Petersburg Assembly of Rural Owners. January 28, 1892. Zasedaniya Peterburgskogo obshchestva sel’skikh khozyayev [Meetings of the St. Petersburg Society of Rural Owners], 1892, no. 2, pp. 1–15 (in Russian).
9. Electric man. Minskiy listok [The Minsk sheet], 1893, September 28 (no. 78), p. 2 (in Russian).
10. Beryozkina N. Yu., Gaponenko O. A. Jakob Ottonovich Narkiewicz-Jodko (1847–1905): biobibliographic index. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2010. 244 p. (in Russian).