Achievements of literary science, textology and criticism
In the article the main achievements of modern Belarusian theory of literature, textology and literary criticism are presented. The author draws attention to the results of scientific research by leading scientists of the Yanka Kupala Institute of Literary Studies – Yevgeny Gorodnitsky, Vladimir Gnilamiedov, Mikhail Tychino and others. The high scientific level of preparation of the Collected Works of Ivan Shamyakin and Ivan Naumenko is noted. The positive influence of critics who work in the Institute of Literary Studies on the development of modern Belarusian prose, poetry, drama and publicism is determined.
About the Author
I. V. Saverchanka
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research Centre
IvanV. Saverchanka – D. Sc. (Philol.), Professor, Director.
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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