
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Phenomenon of urban memory: social-philosophical analysis


The social-philosophical research of a phenomenon of urban memory is presented in the article. The basic is the memory concept. Defining essence of individual and collective memory in their interrelation and development, the author has created the platform for conceptualization of urban memory. Concepts “memory figures”, “reminiscence modes”, “а subject of urban memory” “an object of urban memory”, “the place of memory”, “cultural forms”, development of typology of cultural forms of the urban landscape and the concept “substitution” have allowed to create complete idea of urban memory.

Urban memory is treated as one of forms of collective memory. It is carried out by the city as social community and collective historical identity in relation to itself, to the famous historical figures and products of the sociocultural development who personify the historical past and the present of the city, are uniform for members of urban society, are included in a context of personal memory and are reproduced in individual memoirs.

Urban memory is changeable and substituted (from Latin – substitutio) because in development there is a replacement of one objects of memory with others. It is substantially caused by transformation of an urban cultural landscape and can be interpreted as natural development of the city and memory. On the example of Vitebsk the author has shown dependence
of transformation of urban memory on change of an urban cultural landscape. The multilayered substitutability of the city and its memory is as a result revealed.

About the Author

O. M. Rastouskaya
Vitebsk State Technological University.

Olga M. Rastouskaya – Assistant to Department of social-humanitarian disciplines. 

72 Moskovsky Ave., 72, Vitebsk 210035.


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