Individual information security in digital era
Тhe article presents topical issues related to the emergence of new technologies and technical solutions, in particular connected to the Internet. Over the last years, the importance of digital technologies for solving the problems of communication between criminal communities, of search and collecting personal data not only for their recruitment, but also for psychoactivity has increased significantly. At the same time, the digital space is actively used by separate States, corporations and groups of individuals for information and algorithmic warfare and impact on public consciousness, and technologies of distributed networks began to promote financing of the prohibited organizations. The author analyzes not only legal and technical possibilities to ensure safety of the individual, but also the sociological aspect associated with the impact that these considered factors have on safety and security of the state and individual.
About the Author
A. G. KlimashinBelarus
Alexandr G. Klimashin – Postgraduate student. Institute of Sociology.
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072.
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