Training of tactical level officers for the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus (1995–2015)
The article is devoted to the history of foundation, formation and development of Command and Staff Department at the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus for training tactical level officers during 1995–2015. It is noted that the need of creation of the Belarusian Military academy for preparation of national military cadres with higher military education was caused by both economic and political reasons. In May 1995, according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus, the Military academy of the Republic of Belarus was created. Along with creation of Military academy the Command and Staff Department for training of operational-tactical level officers with the higher military education is organized in its structure. After the Military academy was created preparation of officer ranks within its walls (1995–2015) developed and improved constantly. Opening in structure of the Military academy of the General Staff Department of Armed Forces (2006) has finished creation of a full cycle of the Belarusian higher military school in the national system of military education. The author draws the conclusion that the created national military school in Belarus provides training for officers and it is a source of pride, an example of the successful decision made using its own resources to get around the problems that Belarus can face in the way of upholding of the sovereignty and independence.
About the Author
S. A. SavikBelarus
Sergey A. Savik – Ph. D. (Hist.), Associate professor of military and technical faculty.
59 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220013.
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