
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Problem of syntactic incompleteness in Chinese linguistics


The article analyzes the problems of syntactic incompleteness in the sanctification of different syntactic schools and directions. The theoretical foundations and methodological principles of each syntactic school and the interpretation of structural-syntactic modifications in Chinese linguistics are shown. The following syntactic directions are distinguished and systematized: logical-grammatical, formal, psychological, structural, semantic, functional. The criteria for syntactic incompleteness in Chinese linguistics and the main types of incomplete constructions are shown: with the omission of the subject, the predicate, the complement, the definition, the circumstance, the preposition.

The analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of structural-syntactic modifications allows us to develop the end of the study of incomplete sentences in the Chinese language, to reveal their structural types, to establish the specifics of explication methods of predicative values, to characterize the compensatory properties of the paradigm of structural syntactic modifications.

schools and directions. The theoretical foundations and methodological principles of each syntactic

The article analyzes the problems of syntactic incompleteness in the sanctification of different syntactic

school and the interpretation of structural-syntactic modifications in Chinese linguistics are shown. The following syntactic directions are distinguished and systematized: logical-grammatical, formal, psychological, structural, semantic, functional. The criteria for syntactic incompleteness in Chinese linguistics and the main types of incomplete constructions are shown: with the omission of the subject, the predicate, the complement, the definition, the circumstance, the preposition.

The analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of structural-syntactic modifications allows us to develop the end of the study of incomplete sentences in the Chinese language, to reveal their structural types, to establish the specifics of explication methods of predicative values, to characterize the compensatory properties of the paradigm of structural syntactic modifications.

About the Author

Shou Jiarui
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank.

Shou Jiarui – Postgraduate studend.

18 Sovetskaya Str., Minsk 220050.


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