On conceptual views on information security of the republic of Belarus in the aspect of modern social development
In this article the authors of the Information Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus regard its provisions as important elements in the bases for the further formation and strengthening of the sovereign Belarusian state. Due to the novelty of relations arising in the information sphere, it is exposed to increased vulnerability to risks, challenges and threats that are transported to all other spheres of public life. The problem of information security ensuring is becoming one of the most important issues in the realization of balanced interests of individual, society and the state. Ensuring information security is becoming an independent area of the functioning of society and, in a single system of nation-wide activity, is aimed at the progressive socio-economic development of Belarus.
About the Authors
V. Yu. ArchakovRussian Federation
Vladimir Yu. Archakov – Deputy State Secretary.
38 Karla Marksa Str., Minsk 220016.
O. S. Makarov
Russian Federation
Oleg S. Makarov – D. Sc. (Law), Associate Professor, Director of the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Researches.
7 Pobeditelej Ave., Minsk 220004.
A. L. Bankowski
Russian Federation
Aleksej L. Bankowski – Ph. D. (Law), Head of Information and Analytical Department.
38 Karla Marksa Str., Minsk 220016.
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