Life scenario of the person in the prose of Frants Siuko
Frants Sivko is one of the authors who till nowadays believes into pedagogical function of belletristic which is important not less than entertaining one in spite of the fact that last is in trend today. His texts inherit the traditions of magic realism. He considers in his works such concepts as True, Choice, Good and Evil. The special attention is given to the problem of Fate which appears in the well-known psychological concept as the life scenario of the person. The article has been written on the base of materials of analysis such stories as «Udog», «Big Cat Week» and the novel «Day of the Tambourine».
About the Author
G. M. Kislitsyna
Цэнтр даследаванняў беларускай культуры, мовы і літаратуры НАН Беларусі
1. Сіўко, Ф. Дзень бубна / Ф. Сіўко. - Мінск, 2008.
2. Сіўко, Ф. Выспы / Ф. Сіўко. - Мінск, 2011.
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