Culturology in social and economic development system
The author’s concept of social-economic development in the new social-cultural conditions of modern globalization is outlined. Differences of the formational and civilizational development of different societies, philosophy of management and culturology as different ideas about the natural and artificially created prerequisites of economic and social development are analyzed. Main differences of civilization from social-economic formation and formative development of society, which is based on ideas of culture as a result of purely economic life, manifested in the form of its adaptive-creative forms only, are showed. Comparative historical analysis of formation and development of these scientific directions incorporated in the works of S. Bulgakov, N. Ya. Danilevsky, O. Spengler and other researchers is provided. In particular, logic of K. Marx’s “Capital” and logic of “Philosophy of management” by S. Bulgakov, mentality of different countries (England and France, Western Europe and the USA) as the most important prerequisite of their economic and social well-being are compared. Problem of dialectics of rational and irrational in economic and social development, globalization of information society, anthropocentrism and its limitations as a methodology of Western European civilization, sources of optimism of the modernist version of modern innovation development, its traditional foundations are analyzed. At the same time, the author considers the culture as a unity of adaptive-creative and project activity which is based on mythological and religious codes that give to social development the form of civilization typical for a number of nations and international communities of separate national states. Culturology is represented as a theory and methodology of culture that allows to describe and explain innovative and other social-cultural processes, rational and irrational nature of knowledge, sources of social activity of the individual; to consider globalization, philosophy, science and education from the standpoint of civilizational development; to represent the social-cultural analysis as the most important prerequisite of economic and social development and a kind of social-cultural diagnosis of the time. According to the author, it is possible through the prism of this branch of knowledge to analyze the unity of modernization activity, dialogue of cultures, national, regional, settlement and other cultural codes; to study the social-cultural nature of rationality, and science and education that are based on it; the dialectics of the rational and irrational principles of social development; analysis of problems of consolidation and development of society against the background of modern challenges and threats. Problems of “closed” and “open” society as an expression of statics and dynamics of social development; problems of life self-determination of modern youth, and many other problems that cannot be fully resolved by none of the existing humanities and social sciences are analyzed.
About the Author
A. I. LevkoBelarus
Anatoly I. Levko - D. Sc. (Sociol.), Professor, Chief Scientific Researcher.
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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