Реализация конституционных основ социальной политики Республики Беларусь в отраслевом законодательстве
Об авторе
С. М. СивецБеларусь
Список литературы
1. Course of economic theory. General foundations of economic theory. Microeconomics. Macroeconomics. Fundamentals of the national economy: Textbook / Ed. prof. A. V. Sidorovicha; MSU. University. - 2 - ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: Business and Service, 2001. - 832 p.
2. Social policy: the textbook / N. A. Volgin [etc.]; under Society. Ed. N. A. Volgin. - Moscow: Publishing House «Exam», 2008. - 943 s.
3. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, 1994 (as amended) / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO «YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.
4. Kabalkin, A. Y. Legislation on the sphere of social services: ucheb. posobie / A. Y. Kabalkin. - M.: Knowledge, 1988. - 224 p.
5. Putilo, N. V. Social rights: history and modernity / N. V. Putilo. - M.: Legal, 2007. - 320 с.
6. «Healthcare»: Act Resp. Belarus, June 18, 1993, № 2435-XII / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO «YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.
7. Ivanenko, V. A., Ivanenko, V. S. Social rights and social responsibilities of state: constitutional and international legal aspects / V. A. Ivanenko, V. S. Ivanenko. - C. - Pb.: Legal. Centre Press, 2003. - 404 c.
8. Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, July 26, 1999 N 296 W / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO «YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.
9. «On Employment of the Republic of Belarus»: Act Resp. Belarus, June 15, 2006. № 125-W / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO «YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.
10. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1966 / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO «YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.
11. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO «YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.
12. «On approval of the State program to promote employment of the Republic of Belarus for 2014»: Council of Ministers, January 31, 2014 N 93 / Consultant Plus: Belarus. Technology Prof. [Electronic resource] / OOO « YurSpektr». - Minsk, 2014.