
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Language of legal texts as an object of study in linguistics and jurisprudence


The article shows the state of research on linguistic features of Belarusian legislation in comparison with the achievements of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian legal linguistics. It is stated that formation of linguistic legal means can’t rest completely on theoretical foundations created in other languages, even in sister languages. For full use of the Belarusian language in legal domain and for transition to mandatory official publication of legal acts in both official languages it is important to create scientifically grounded linguistic requirements for Belarusian legislative acts on the basis of studying the basic laws and tendencies of formation, development and functioning of national style forming agents. The actual material source for this study are numerous Belarusian texts of legal content of the XX-th century. The author emphasizes the necessity of connection to the integration processes in scientific knowledge development, which should be realized during the development of a new Belarusian integrated discipline - legal linguistics.

About the Author

H. I. Kulesh
Belarusian State University

Hanna I. Kulesh - D. Sc. (Philol.), Professor.

31 K. Marksa Str., Minsk 220030


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