Curatorial strategies in contemporary fine arts (on the example of the project «High Hopes Museum»)
The article deals with the contemporary art exhibition “High Hopes Museum” realised in the Volga-Vyatka branch of National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA) in 2015. As a result of thoughtful curatorial strategies tasks of mainstreaming, interpretation, personalization and transcoding of local history through contemporary art and contemporary art practices were solved; algorithms of cooperation built museums and collections of various kinds were formed; a model of an alternative museum was created.
About the Author
E. Ya. KenigsbergBelarus
Еkaterina Ya. Kenigsberg - Ph. D. (Art. Crit.), Associate Professor, Head of the International Relations Department.
81 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220012
1. National Centre for Contemporary Art. Nizhny Novgorod. Available at: (accessed 04.03.2015) (in Russian).
2. Installation “The Bell”. Personal’nyi sait Artema Filatova [Artyom Filatov personal site]. Available at: (accessed 27.11.2016) (in Russian).
3. Kravtsova M. Alisa Savitskaya: “It is useful to add provincial notes to our activities”. Artgid [Artguide]. Available at: (accessed 17 March 2017).
4. Places with the past: the curator’s manifesto of Mary Jane Jacob. Teorii ipraktiki [Theory and Practice]. Available at: (accessed 01.02.2016) (in Russian).
5. Shortlisted «Innovations». Сolta. ru.Available at: (accessed 16.02.2016) (in Russian).
6. Timing - On The Temporal Dimension of Exhibiting (Leipzig, 19-20 Jan 2012). ArtHist. net. Available at: (accessed 25.12.2016).