
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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«New agrarian policy» in the USSR and its specific features in the BSSR: main directions (1986-1991 years)


Study of the history of perestroika - one of the topical problems of the Belarusian historiography. Belarusian historians have not still accumulated scientific papers in the format of theses or monographs on the history of perestroika (the restructuring), including the history and development of agricultural production. Policy of acceleration of the USSR social and economic development, which was adopted in 1986, was declarative and optimistic. Gorbachev's leadership did not provide any other scenarios and possible directions of country development. This short-sighted, erroneous position of the party and political leadership would later play a crucial role in the fate of the Soviet state. In the late 1988 it was revealed that the rate of acceleration of social and economic development hadn't only brought positive results, but also lead the country to a crisis, Gorbachev's leadership hadn't provided any alternative action programs. The same situation was typical for agriculture. The transition process of changing agriculture to the new economic mechanism, the organization of production, based on the principles of self-government and self-financing, was contradictory. There wasn't any experience of proceedings based on the rental organization of labor in farms. There was not appropriate legal framework. It leaded to a different kinds of abuse. Part of the administrative and managerial staff wasn't interested in the implementation of cost accounting and rent. Pricing policy of the state didn't motivate the development of agricultural production. Increased profitability of agriculture in BSSR in 1990 was the result of increased procurement prices for agricultural products. However, despite the difficulties arising from consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, agriculture in the Soviet Belarus had been developing slowly. Entry into the crisis zone began in the second half of 1990. Collective and state farms were mainly the resource base of organization and development of the cooperative movement. Activities of producers' cooperatives, which were created in agriculture, were built on the principles of the lease. Motivation of cooperation, built on the financial «maintenance» of cooperatives by collective and state farms, was one of the areas of Gorbachev's policy to eliminate the latter. The source of the social contradictions development were such cooperatives in the villages, farmers were displeased by agricultural policy of the ruling party. In Belarus, the peasant (farmer's) farms couldn't become a real alternative to the collective farms and state farms. They had to go a long way of evolution and adaptation to modern production. The country had not prospects and policies for rapid redistribution of farm property and the destruction of collective and state farms. In 1990, the party and state leadership of the BSSR refused to pursue a policy of Gorbachev's perestroika. Later there was developed its own program of social and economic transformation, based on the idea of a gradual transition to a socially oriented market economy. After that, the party and state institutions of the Soviet Belorussia actually went into opposition to Mikhail Gorbachev's leadership. It was a principled position of the Belarusian party and state elite.

About the Author

M. U. Smiakhovich
Інстытут гісторыі НАНБеларусі


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5. Матэрыялы ХХХ з'езда Камуністычнай партыі Беларусі. 30-31 студзеня 1986 г. - Мінск: Беларусь. - 223 с.

6. Аналитические записки Госкомстата БССР, направленные Госплану БССР // НАРБ. - Ф. 30. - Воп. 13. - Спр. 1743.

7. Пояснительная записка к государственному плану экономического и социального развития БССР на 1991 г. // НАРБ. - Ф. 31. - Воп. 15. - Спр. 1846.

8. О поставках сельскохозяйственной продукции в союзный фонд // НАРБ. - Ф. 7. - Воп. 10. - Спр. 2183.

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10. Статистический сборник «О развитии агропромышленного комплекса БССР, 1990 г.» // НАРБ. - Ф. 30. -Воп. 13. - Спр. 1622.

11. Поручения СМ БССР о рассмотрении проекта «Положения о порядке планирования развития агропромышленного комплекса БССР» // НАРБ. - Ф. 31. - Воп. 15. - Спр. 868.

12. Докладная записка Председателя Госагопрома БССР Ю. Хусаинова «Об организации материально-технического снабжения агропромышленного комплекса Белоруссии» // НАРБ. - Ф. 4-п. - Воп. 156. - Спр. 656.

13. Протокол № 2 заседания Пленума ЦК КПБ от 15 марта 1986 г. // НАРБ. - Ф. 4-п. - Воп. 160. - Спр. 386.

14. БССР в цифрах, 1988 год. Краткий стат. сб. / Госполитиздат БССР. - Минск: Беларусь, 1989. - 328 с.

15. Сельское хозяйство Беларуси в 1980-2007 гг.: тенденции развития / сост. В. С. Сакович; под науч. ред. В. Г. Гусакова. - Минск, 2008. - 334 с.

16. Аналитические записки Госкомстата Республики Беларусь по статистике отраслей народного хозяйства // НАРБ. - Ф. 30. - Воп. 13. - Спр. 1917.

17. Горбачев, М. С. О практической работе по реанимации решений XIX Всесоюзной партийной конференции Доклад на пленуме ЦК КПСС от 29 июня 1988 г. / М. С. Горбачев // Коммунист. - 1988. - № 12. - С. 4-27.

18. Протокол заседания Пленума ЦК КПБ от 4 октября 1988 года // НАРБ. - Ф. 4-п. - Воп. 160. - Спр. 762. - Арк. 26.

19. Поручения СМ БССР о рассмотрении проектов постановлений СССР и БССР о совершенствовании экономического механизма хозяйствования в агропромышленном комплексе // НАРБ. - Ф. 31. - Воп. 15. - Спр. 848. - Арк. 36.

20. Матэрыялы пленума ЦК КПСС, 15-16 сак. 1989 г. - Мінск: Беларусь, 1989. - 64 с.

21. Мероприятия Госагропрома БССР по переводу колхозов и совхозов республики на самоокупаемость и самофинансирование // НАРБ. - Ф. 7. - Воп. 10. - Спр. 444.

22. Поручения СМ БССР о развитии агропромышленного комплекса и документы к ним // НАРБ. - Ф. 31. -Воп. 15. - Спр. 1788.

23. Об итогах финансово-хозяйственной деятельности Госагропрома БССР за 1989 год // НАРБ. - Ф. 7. - Воп. 10. -Спр. 1374.

24. Докладная записка «О динамике цен на потребляемые сельским хозяйством БССР средства производства и реализуемую колхозами и совхозами республики сельхозпродукцию (паритет цен) за 1982-1988 гг.» // НАРБ. -Ф. 7. - Воп. 10. - Спр. 2182.

25. Протокол № 1 заседания Комиссии ЦК КПБ по аграрным вопросам от 6 мая 1989 г. // НАРБ. - Ф. 4-п. -Воп. 156. - Спр. 658.

26. Матэрыялы ХХХІ з'езда Камуністычнай партыі Беларусі, 28 лістапада - 1 снежня 1990 года. - Мінск: Выд-ва ЦК КПБ, 1991. - 554 с.

27. Аналитические записки Госкомстата БССР, направленные Госплану БССР // НАРБ. - Ф. 30. - Воп. 13. -Спр. 1619.

28. Ведамасці Вярхоўнага Савета БССР. - 1991. - № 2.

29. Ведамасці Вярхоўнага Савета БССР. - 1991. - № 19.


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