
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Poetic paradigm of the XIX century poetry and metric repertoire verse by Yanka Luchina


In the article the formation of Belarusian poetry is considered. Process of gradual transition from folk (intonation and saying) system of versification to syllabic system that gave way to the tonic system is observed, together they formed a syllabic-tonic system, which is used in the XXI century. The influence of folklore over the improvement of national and tonic versification, of Polish literature over the development of syllabic system, of Rusian literature over the formation of syllabic-tonic versification is noted. Difficult development path of Belarusian poem in the XIX century is highlighted. The article reviewed diversity of used verses (3-, 9-, 10-, 12-syllable) and stop (quatrien, seventh, sestina) by poets of XIX century. Particularities of versification by Yanka Luchina are analyzed, quantitative data and composition in percents upon the following aspects are given: stanza and rhyme, verse size, versification system, quantity and ordering of rows. The role of poetry by Yanka Luchina in development of Belarusian and Polish poetry of the XIX century, which consists in introduction of syllabic-tonic system and masculine rhymes to Polish literature, in verses approaching to colloquial language in Belarusian literature that influenced the perception of lightness.

About the Author

O. V. Kruglova
Belarusian State University

Olga V. Kruglova - Postgraduate student.

31/56 К. Marks Str., 220030 Minsk 


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)