
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Topical issues for protection of financial interests


Financial responsibility is treated as an independent kind of legal liability in the context of the protection of national financial interests. In particular, the relationship and differences between financial responsibility from other kinds of legal liability are determined, its nature and composition, financial responsibility and financial offences (budget and tax), its difference from other types of offences. Budgetary, tax, administrative and other legislation of the Republic of Belarus interconnected with application of measures of financial responsibility is analyzed. Its body of rules forms an independent Institute. Special aspects of attraction to the budgetary and tax responsibility, procedural basis (order, stages) of application of budget and tax sanctions are separately distinguished. In general, it is defined that the financial responsibility is expressed in application, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for by law, of the measures of public enforcement consisting in deprivations (restrictions) of property (material) character for committing financial offences. At the same time legal function of the budgetary responsibility is shown in restorative (compensatory) and penal (retaliatory) aspects. The main sanction of tax liability for violation of the tax legislation is the penalty fee collected together with debt on tax obligation.

About the Author

A. V. Dzenisevich
Belarusian State University

Aleksandr V. Dzenisevich - Ph. D. (Law), Associate, Professor.

4 NezavisimostiAve., 220030, Минск


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