
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Priority of culture in forming the ideal of the future


The priority role of culture in formation of the ideal of the future is proved, the technology of this process is revealed. Culture is considered as an environment for the preservation and transformation of spiritual heritage. Major changes involve cultural change, which, as a rule, are the result of rethinking and updating fundamental life meanings and basic values. In modern conditions, there is a spontaneous search for possible solutions to pressing problems, the erosion of life meanings, including such fundamental concepts as citizenship, national, professional and religious identity. Such an uncertain situation cannot remain indefinitely. Culture, having adsorbed possible development options, makes its choice of the ideal of the future. Today, most post­Soviet countries have no vision of the future, and living without a concept of the future is meaningless.

Concepts are analyzed that could explain the problems of building a common vision of the ideal of the future, points of growth of new values that are formed in the depths of the old culture. It presents benchmarks and goals that the majority of the population would like to achieve. The response to new risks is the adequate development of national culture, which naturally is in dialogue with world culture, the formation of new meanings and values in life. Since the future of humanity is multivariate and not unambiguous. The humanities are not keeping pace with too rapid change. Moreover, in addition to benefits, modern technologies bring new problems to a person, opening up wide opportunities for information violence, manipulation of public consciousness.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the priority of culture in the formation of the ideal of the future. It seems that it is culture that is the sphere of the supra-biological programs of human life, where the ideal of the future is formed.

About the Author

A. N. Danilov
Belarusian State University

Alexander N. Danilov – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Sociol.), Professor, Head of the Department

9 Kalvariyskaya Str., Minsk 220004, Belarus


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