
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Preconditions of the Baltic states’ foreign policy priorities formation in the period of their struggle for independence (1989–1991)


The foundations of many future policy directions, either domestic or foreign, were laid during the period, when Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia struggled for restoration of their national independence. As the factors that had the greatest impact on the formation of these states’ main foreign policy priorities, the article analyzes, firstly, the structure of movements for their national independence (on the basis of which the political elites of the Baltic states were formed), and, secondly, the role of external influence in the formation of their ideology of foreign policy. The author traces the transformation of the main political powers that formed the national independence movements of the three republics into system political parties of the Baltic states, reveals the gradual consolidation of the leadership of right­wing political forces in the field of national ideology and foreign policy, as well as the special activity of the diaspora in establishing international relations of the independence movements of Lithuanian, Latvia and Estonia and in the formation of ideas and concepts that determined the main goals of future foreign policy of the three states. In addition, the article highlights the stages of the independence movements’ of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia international relations development in 1989–1991.

About the Author

A. A. Valodzkin
Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Andrei A. Valodzkin – Ph. D. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Senior Scientific Researcher

1 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072, Belarus


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)